Mariana's Supermarkets Online Application
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Personal Information
Desired Position
What store location are you applying for ?
Please answer the following questions
- Can you provide documentation proof of U.S. Citizenship or, if an Alien, proof of your authorization to work in the United States ?
- Have you ever been convicted of any law violation, except a minor traffic violation ?
- Have you ever been asked to resign from a Job ?
- Are you capable of performing the essential functions of the job for which you have applied, without a reasonable accommodation(s) ?
Education and Training
Employment History
Please answer the following questions
- Do you have a Health Card, if so can you provide it ?
- Do you have a TAM Card (Alcohol & Tabaco), if so can you provide it ?
- Do you have a Sheriff's Card, if so can you provide it ?
- Are you 21 years or over ?
- Are you "AT LEAST" 18 years old ?
- Have you ever worked at Mariana's Supermarkets in the Past ?
- Do you have any friends or family members working for Mariana's Supermarkets ?
- Date available to start working or approximate date :
Professional Referrences
I certify that I have not purposely withheld any information that might adversely affect my changes hiring. I attest to the fact that the answers given by me are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and ability. I understand that any omission (including any misstatement) of material fact on this application or on any document used to secure can be grounds for rejection of application. I understand that if I am employed, my employment is not definite and can be terminated at any time either with or without prior notice, and by either me or the company.
Date: Feb / 18 / 2025